The Healthy Relationship Tips Blog

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Jun 05, 2022

Divorce With Children Advice

Clenched Fists

Divorce is difficult enough. Divorce with children is even more challenging. Even if you are no longer husband and wife, you are still parents and need to continue to be good parents.

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Nov 21, 2021

How to Seduce a Man Long Distance

Cat with Yes for love les2

If you want to seduce a man who just happens to be miles and miles away – that is no reason you can’t use your “Ear-Rotica” to evoke vivid sensations.

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Jan 20, 2021

Ending A Long Term Relationship with Grace – Top Ten Tips

Ending a long term relationship may not be something you think about. But the fact is many relationships come to an end. That doesn’t mean that people have to destroy each other!

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Dec 12, 2020

About Us

Click here for biographical information about us, Jon Terrell and Genie Joseph.

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Jun 02, 2020

Understanding How Men Think – The Male “Deal-Breaker”

angry man on cellphone

Men are allergic to being wrong. Understanding how men think helps you decode this deal-breaker to help you in your relationship.

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May 28, 2020

How To Flirt - Advice For Women

Women are born to flirt. Appropriate flirting makes both parties feel good about each other and about life. Learn how to flirt

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May 16, 2020

Advice For Approaching a Woman

Are you having trouble approaching a woman? Do you have no idea what to say or how to make the first move? Here is advice.

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May 16, 2020

He Can't Say I Love You

You need to hear the words I love you. He can’t say them. Does he love me even if he can’t say it? Learn about different Love Styles.

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May 03, 2020

What Women Want From Men

What women want in a good listener. Listening is an art and you can master it…read on.

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Apr 23, 2020

Best Art Of Apology

A smart, strong man learns the art of apology. There are many ways to apologize, and the best way is the way your woman wants!

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Apr 23, 2020

How To Apologize To Your Man

A good woman learns how to apologize. For a happy relationship master the art of apology. It's the best way makes your man feel loved.

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Mar 22, 2020

Send Women the Right Signals

Are you sending the right signals to women? Are they clear or confusing? Let women know what is on your mind by sending women the signs they can understand.

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Mar 22, 2020

What Women Want In Men

What women want in men is to feel understood. They want you to listen, with your ears and with your heart. You can learn how to give her this feeling everyday, and you will have a very happy woman!

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Dec 19, 2019

Healthy Relationship Advice SiteMap

Here is the healthy relationship advice sitemap to view all pages

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I Love You

"I love you!"

Those are the three words we most want to hear.

Yet for some people saying those words is daunting. They'd rather skip barefoot through a hornet's nest. The good news is saying "I love you!" is a learnable skill.

Our FREE e-book is a love story in four acts that shows how two shy people found creative ways to express their most tender feelings for each other.

You can borrow these words or use them to inspire you to create your own linguistic art of romance.

Go ahead, be brave. Let Cupid speak in your life.

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